lightnest | system 1
In the case of urban communities, sites such as Marble Hill have established the latest prototype of low-income housing: the tower in the park method of maximizing inexpensive units while maintaining the criteria of the New York City code determining space proportions, light exposure and ventilation. Between these spaces a new type of “no man’s land” has developed. An awkward stretch of shared space that is without program or clarified ownership spreads throughout the city between nearly every coupling of towers within these housing arrangements. While misleadingly open their demise is as certain as the decayed alleys and courtyards of earlier tenements; once determined as crucial to this same goal of light and ventilation. By weaving together new spaces within these areas we can define the exact ownership and program of the intended outdoor access, redirect existing apartment spaces to provide direct sunlight while also establishing a new type of housing which will challenge the restrictive barrier elements of the towers in the park. By weaving facade throughstructure further expansion is not only possible; it is planned. The result is a highly operable sensitive façade, calibrated to at once respond to the qualitative needs of the inhabitants while allowing for the quantitative potential for spaces that are enti rely translucent. Creating; never filling space. lightness.